Welcome to Millie Lowelle’s

Emporium of Literary Delights.

Welcome to my website. Here you will find information about my current and coming WIPs, including where you can read them. All my books will be available first on Ream for my patrons. Then my books will be for sale directly from me on Shopify ahead of Amazon. My books will also be cheaper from me in this early access period. My Reader magnets (freebies) are available to download via Bookfunnel and Ream, and I will include freebies in the books bought directly from me that won’t be available from Amazon.  

Make sure to sign up for my newsletter for a once-a-month update on the books about to launch as well as any promotional offers I’m currently running. With that said, thank you for checking out my website, and enjoy!

If you would like to jump straight to my Ream page, click the ribbon below and it will re-direct you ^_^.

A bit about me, Millie Lowelle.

My books: I have always loved immersing myself in fantastic narratives with compelling storylines and exciting characters. I hope you find that my books take you on the same sort of journey and that you will support me in fulfilling my dream of becoming a successful novelist. The main genre of my books are all romance, but the sub genres range from horror, sci-fi and fantasy. You will find a range of books here, all are LGBTQ+ friendly, some are Heterosexual couplings, some homosexual, so do take a look at the blurb or excerpt beside each book to see if this story is for you.

Millie Lowelle the Author: I am married to the love of my life I met at 16 and another 16 years later, I have two wonderful little boys. I have always loved to read, and write, but the final push to publish any of my work came from becoming the main earner in my household. Every penny I earn goes on my family. I am very lucky to have Patrons who support me each month, and I will include more information on that later.

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